FELICE phase I periodic report

FELICE phase I periodic report

FELICE phase I periodic report:

The first periodic Report was submitted to the Commission in the middle of December. The Report includes FELICE’s scientific and technical objectives, as defined in the Description of Work, an explanation of the work carried out by all partners, as well as the results achieved in the 10 work packages.

Demonstrators and test cases: 

During two rounds of integration activities in Melfi, Italy, core functionalities of the Phase I prototype were implemented and tested in seven demos that have been executed. Out of 41 tests (each one providing evidence), 68% have been completely successful, while the remaining 32% have been partially successful.

Learn more about FELICE technologies and results, by browsing our publication catalog on the FELICE ZENODO community: https://zenodo.org/communities/felice-h2020/

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