Category: Conferences

SAVE THE DATE: 13th MARCH 2024 for „Human-robot collaboration and AI – hype or reality?”

On behalf of the 5 EU-funded projects: AI-PRISM, COGNIMAN, CONVERGING, FELICE, and FLUENTLY, we invite you to join and contribute to the „HRC and AI, Hype or reality? From pilots to best practices” workshop during the 15th edition of the European Robotics Forum, to be held on 15th March 2024 in Rimini, Italy. Collaborative robots…
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2 December 2023 0

CALL FOR PAPERS: Human-robots collaboration and AI – hype or reality?

We invite researchers, academics, and industry professionals to submit contributions for the workshop on “HRC and AI, Hype or Reality? From Pilots to Best Practices,” which will be held in conjunction with the 15th edition of the European Robotics Forum, to be held from 13-15 March 2024 in Rimini, Italy. The workshop aims to explore…
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30 November 2023 0

Workshop for European Robotics Forum 2023

Human-Robot Collaboration & AI in challenging industrial applications Collaborative robots (HRC) in many industries are underused, being regarded as expensive hi-tech tools with limited autonomy and intelligence that can only relieve workers of physical fatigue. To overcome these and other negative preconceptions, we must show how robots can learn to understand tasks at hand and…
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28 February 2023 0

ERF2022 Workshops

The workshops are co-organized with the H2020 project FELICE.  In conjunction with the European Robotics Forum 2022, 28th – 30th June 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. More information:   Date and Time Workshop Name June 28th at 14:20, Room 2 @ ERF 2022 Sustainability Track: Application of Robotics in Sustainability and Environmental aspects June 28th at 16:10, Room 2 @ ERF 2022…
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21 June 2022 0

FELICE special session at International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM 2021)

The ISM 2021 has been performed online from 17 till 19 November and represented a platform for knowledge exchange, the review and discussion of theoretical advances, research results, and industrial experiences, among scientists, researchers, decision makers, practitioners and students dealing with the topics of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing. Organizers are:  Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (FHOÖ, Austria), University of Calabria (Italy) and CALTEK (Italy).…
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26 November 2021 0

ERF2021 Workshop on Human-Robot Collaboration & AI for Sustainable Production

The European Robotics Forum 2021 (ERF2021) will be held online 13-15 April 2021. FELICE project will co-organise a workshop entitled Human-Robot Collaboration & AI for Sustainable Production. This workshop focuses on the aspect of collaborative robots for developing sustainable production mainly dealing with topics related to remanufacturing, recycling, true robot collaboration to ease workload on human workers. …
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4 March 2021 150