Author: Maximillian Patzold

Research Update by PRO and ICCS: Intricacies of human-robot collaboration (HRC) within industrial settings

This blog entry explores the intricacies of human-robot collaboration (HRC) within industrial settings, with a focus on achieving seamless interaction through a skill-based robot task execution engine. The FELICE proposed framework intricately orchestrates the dynamic interplay between the perception and acting/reacting layers in the context of human-robot collaboration, with a specific emphasis on the role…
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25 April 2024 0

Development Update by ACC: RIM Module – Empowering Felice robotic arm with precision and intuitive control

The core of the RIM module lies in its integration of a 6 DoF force/torque sensor with sophisticated control electronics.The RIM module is more than just a technological advancement; it’s a practical solution to enhance the efficiency of robotic systems. By allowing the robotic arm to sense the weight of tools and parts, RIM ensures…
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25 April 2024 0

Research Update by EUNL

Innovative progress in the integration of AI and collaborative robotics (CR) promises to radically transform manufacturing efficiency. Aligning such advancements with societal values introduces intricate challenges, underlined by the need to harmonize innovation with ethical underpinnings, as enshrined within the rationales of the EU’s AI Act proposal and of previous official EU resolutions and guidelines.…
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25 April 2024 0

Research Update by FHOOE

Navigating the intricacies involved in crafting high-quality workflow descriptions for assembly line automation with assistive robots is a challenging endeavor. It’s a delicate balance between precision, adaptability, and efficiency. Precision is crucial as the smallest error in the workflow description can lead to significant production issues or even safety concerns. The robots need detailed, step-by-step…
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25 April 2024 0

Research Update by IfADo

Successful collaboration between humans and cobots does not only require designing the robot itself. Humans also need to understand the peculiarities of having a cobot as a team member. Therefore, researchers at IfADo are currently developing a training program for workers to foster interaction, understanding, and safety. The objective of this training is to give…
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25 April 2024 0

SAVE THE DATE: 13th MARCH 2024 for „Human-robot collaboration and AI – hype or reality?”

On behalf of the 5 EU-funded projects: AI-PRISM, COGNIMAN, CONVERGING, FELICE, and FLUENTLY, we invite you to join and contribute to the „HRC and AI, Hype or reality? From pilots to best practices” workshop during the 15th edition of the European Robotics Forum, to be held on 15th March 2024 in Rimini, Italy. Collaborative robots…
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2 December 2023 0

CALL FOR PAPERS: Human-robots collaboration and AI – hype or reality?

We invite researchers, academics, and industry professionals to submit contributions for the workshop on “HRC and AI, Hype or Reality? From Pilots to Best Practices,” which will be held in conjunction with the 15th edition of the European Robotics Forum, to be held from 13-15 March 2024 in Rimini, Italy. The workshop aims to explore…
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30 November 2023 0

Research Update by Fraunhofer IML

The Fraunhofer IML research team has just presented a paper [1] at the IEEE CASE 2023 conference [2]. In their work they evaluated most of the available open source trajectory planners for static manipulators with the intention of finding a to find a trajectory planner that generates a robot motion that is optimal for human-robot…
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1 November 2023 0

Development Update: The FELICE Digital Mirror

The Digital Mirror is an additional part of the FELICE Digital Twin. It has to be considered as an approach to provide an add-on, i.e. something not originally foreseen and in addition to what is already stated in the FELICE technical proposal. The Digital Mirror uses some of the features and functionalities of the Real…
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1 November 2023 0